Posts Tagged ‘Multi-touch’


I already ordered the black version of the Microsoft® Touch Mouse.  Although I am not fond of buying white gadgets,  because they get dirty or “discolor” overtime. (I know, I know! White isn’t a color but a shade 😛 )  This white, Artist Edition definitely looks great!! 🙂

Now before any i-Gadget fan out there starts to cry ( read as: ‘troll’), “It’s a copy-cat!”, STOP! Do a search, so you don’t sound like an AppleNut!  Microsoft built touch top mice in R&D several years BEFORE your precious Apple’s Magic Mouse was even released.  It wasn’t until Microsoft started showing external video of the mice to partners, did the ‘Magic Mouse’ magically appear the next year.  Apple’s Magic Mouse doesn’t even conform to basic mouse shape.  It’s poor shape would give you instant carpal tunnel! 😛

So if this is a copy of the Magic Mouse, then it is a copy of itself, as the Magic Mouse is a copy of Microsoft® Multi-Touch Mouse technology!